This site is run by Simon Justesen (Justinson), a dane in his 40s. Who likes to dabble with programming on different platforms, graphics and tinker with Open Source Software.
Open Source is an evolutionary step forward
I write about Open Source and related technologies.
The philosophy behind Open Source is, in my view, "The world done right". Like sports, it is able to unite people regardless of differences.
You'll find individuals and companies working together on the same project, a common goal. We need to share knowledge to move forward.
Open Source also has an element of future proofing, because no one owns the code* - provided its original maintainer has released the code under a non-restrictive license.
As with anything in this world, the philosophy is not not without flaws. But when everybody benefits and is having a great time, it is truly beautiful.
I don't think Open Source as a phenomenon gets as much attention and recognition in the world community as it deserves.
Even though everything in the world runs on free Open Source - either in whole or in part. There are very few places and devices today that don't benefit from code that someone else has made freely available.
From servers, desktops, gaming consoles and mobile phones, down to the things you have in your kitchen.
There is a good chance that even the software in your coffee machine uses a component that is Open Source software.
Even the companies that supply closed, proprietary products have seen the benefit because they save resources that they can then use elsewhere.
Get in touch
Do you have great ideas for content? I'd love to hear. On the other hand, hard criticism gets passed to /dev/null ;-)
You can find me on Mastodon https://mstdn.dk/@simonjust